EPSRC Response to CDS Closure Queries

A number of CDS users have informed us that they have been in contact with the EPSRC over recent developments. The following message has been received from the EPSRC in response to query emails about the decision to close down the Chemical Database Service (we have added the link to details of the Strategy Advisory Team for the Chemistry Programme).

In response to your e-mail, I thought it would be useful to clarify some issues regarding the Chemistry National Services and the Chemical Database Service specifically.

The Chemistry National Services are funded by EPSRC's Chemistry Programme as a free at the point of use service. The Chemistry Programme has a finite budget, which has to cover the full range of both responsive and targeted activities; the funding for these services comes directly from the responsive mode budget. In addition, as a Chemistry Programme mechanism, the services should primarily support research within the Programme's remit.

The Chemistry Programme does not have the budget to support all chemistry research in the UK nor is it in our Programme objectives to do so. Our objectives include maintaining the health of the chemistry discipline through the support of high quality research. As such, our funding has to be prioritised and peer review is our primary mechanism to do this. Each of the services has to demonstrate that they are supporting high quality research comparable to that funded through responsive mode. The Chemistry National Services are tasked with submitting annual reports to EPSRC as the mechanism to detail their operation and the research they are supporting.

Chemistry National Services are subject to peer review, as are any other elements of the portfolio. Since May 2004, all of the services have been reviewed annually based on the information contained in their annual reports. The views and concerns of the latest panel regarding the Chemical Database Service are in keeping with these previous reports. The review panel concluded that the CDS no longer met key criteria of a Chemistry National Service, including demonstration of high demand and high quality research supported across the whole suite of databases. The format of the service review process has also received external validation through consultation with our Strategic Advisory Team. We therefore consider that the review was appropriate in format to inform the Chemistry Programme on its strategy and how to utilise its responsive mode budget. The Chemical Database Service is not the only mechanism through which the data requirements of the UK chemistry research community are supported. Other key databases such as SciFinder are procured by institutions either individually or collectively. Under Full Economic Costing, Research Councils will fund the element of database provision which relates to individual research grants. From 31 March 2007, a number of the databases currently supported by CDS will have to be accessed via a charging arrangement either directly from the vendor or though an intermediary such as CDS or an equivalent; the relevant component of such costs can be included on any Research Council proposal.

I hope this clarifies your query.