ChemSketch Licence & Download for CDS Users

Before installing ChemSketch, you must read and agree to the terms of the licence. The conditions of use can be viewed here.

Do you accept these conditions?
Instructions on how to configure ChemSketch for use with the CDS I-Lab server can be found here

If have an older version of the ChemSketch client you are likely to experience problems. In addition if you downloaded Version 11 or 12 from ACD/Labs directly or downloaded the version of the client available on the CDS site before 24/10/08 then you may find that you don't login successfully everytime. If that is the case then you are strongly advised to apply the patch described below.

To do so you should download a replacement dmillib.dll file and use it to replace the currently installed one as follows.

1. Click on the dmillib.dll button below
2. Choose Save
3. Locate the directory you installed ChemSketch (C:/Program Files/ACDFREE11 ?) - Click Save
4. You should see a warning box that dmillib.dll already exists. Click the Yes button to replace it.
5. Restart ChemSketch.

If you experience any other problems, contact the CDS.